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226ERS | Vegan Vitamin+

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226ERS | Vegan Vitamin+



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    226ers-sub9-salts-elektrolytes 100 capsules
    226ers-vitamin-d3 per Unit

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    226ERS Vegan Vitamin + contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Especially at those times when we expose the body to high training loads, stress or lack of rest.

    Vegan Vitamin + contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals with the added bonus of Q10 and organic silicon from bamboo.


    • Vitamin C (500mg, 625% of the NRV): it is a powerful antioxidant with multiple anti-inflammatory, immunological and antihistamine functions.
    • Vitamin E (40 mg, 333.33% of the NRV): with antioxidant properties, it is beneficial for the circulatory system
    • Vitamin B12 (1.4 mg, 400% of the NRV): helps with the development of the nervous system. And is involved in the protein metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
    • Iron (14 mg, 100% NRV): it is essential because its main function is to produce hemoglobin, which is essential for cellular oxygenations
    • Magnesium (200 mg): prevents muscle damage and joint injuries. It reduces the feeling of fatigue and improves the absorption of other vitamins and minerals.
    • Organic silicon (25 mg) extracted from the bamboo dry extract: it is an essential mineral for the body. Its main function is to help produce collagen, which is essential for the formation of bones, cartilage, tendons and muscles, making all tissues elastic. It is an antioxidant and is involved in the processes of joint pain and inflammation.
    • Coenzyme Q10: is a molecule that our body produces naturally until we reach the age of about 40. It helps convert nutrients into energy and has numerous benefits such as strengthening the immune system, reducing fatigue and slowing the aging process reduces oxidative stress in cells.


    • 60 capsules

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