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226ERS | High Fructose Gel | Cola - Caffeine

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226ERS | High Fructose Gel | Cola - Caffeine


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    226ERS High Fructose Gel is an energy gel formulated with maltodextrin and fructose in a 10:8 ratio, providing 55 grams of carbohydrates per gel.

    High Fructose Gel bears the seal of the Cologne List, the world's first and largest doping prevention platform for nutritional supplements.

    The Cologne List contains only rigorously tested products to ensure thorough analysis and labeling checks to ensure that manufacturers do not use banned substances on the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) list.

    226ERS High Fructose Gel provides 55 g carbohydrates and 250 mg sodium from maltodextrin and fructose per gel, in a ratio of 10:8. In addition, it is vegan , gluten-free and available in three flavors. The Cola flavor also provides 100mg. Caffeine.

    This formulation, based on “multiple transportable carbohydrates”, has been shown by studies* that during prolonged exercise, the use of carbohydrates absorbed in the intestine by different transporters is the only way to increase the rate of assimilation and oxidation of exogenous carbohydrates up to 60 g/hour.*


    Absorbed in the small intestine by the transporter SLG-1 and converted into glucose for delivery to the cells, providing them with rapid energy. This is a high glycemic index, a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, with immediate release of energy. Rapid gastric emptying thanks to its high molecular weight and low osmolarity, promoting digestion and reducing secondary gastrointestinal effects.


    Is absorbed in the small intestine using the GLUT5 transporters, unlike the transporters that absorb other carbohydrates. The absorbed fructose travels from the intestines to the liver by GLUT2 transporters and replenishes the stores of liver glycogen lost during intense physical exercise.

    Gradual absorption occurs, with a steady and progressive release of energy.
    This is why the combination of maltodextrin and fructose allows the digestion and assimilation of large amounts of carbohydrates per hour, reducing the risk of stomach problems.

    High Fructose Gel is available in stick form of 80 grams and in three flavors:

    • Banana.
    • Strawberry.
    • Cola with 100 mg caffeine.
    *Jeukendrup collection studies, based on bibliographic references by Jentjens, RL (2004), Pfeiffer, B. (2010), Currell, K (2008) and Jeukendrup, AE (2011,2014).

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      226ERS | High Fructose Gel | Cola - Caffeine