Our colleague Dennis is happy to give you tips about using a wetsuit during the triathlon or for open water.
What are the biggest benefits of swimming in a wetsuit?
A wetsuit protects against the cold; It is always said that you can dress against the cold. And that is certainly the case with a good wetsuit and the right accessories. You canswimin theopenwaterearlywitha wetsuit, even if the water temperature is still low.When it is still really cold, you can also opt for extra protectionsuchas:neoprenegloves,neoprenesocks or a neoprene swimming cap.
You go fasterwith awetsuit; A wetsuitprovides more buoyancy, which makes youlieflatterand higher in the water,making you more streamlined through the water. For some swimmers it cansaveas much as 10 to 15 seconds per 100 meters.For the technically inferior swimmer the time savings is greatercompared toa technicallygood swimmer;
With a wetsuit you save energy; When you swim competitively, you will save energy by wearing a wetsuit, partly becauseyou swim more efficiently, but also (especially in the early season when the water is still cold)you will save energy because you will get cold less quickly.And you can put thatenergyto good use in the cycling and running part of a triathlon.
What are the biggestafterparts of wetsuit swimming?
Swimming in awetsuitmakes swimmingeasier, and you may quickly forget to pay attention to your technique. But with good technique, you also have an extra advantage in a wetsuit,so that you can swim even faster. And you will certainly notice this difference when we start swimming indoors again in the fall,so keep paying attention to your technique;
Your freedom of movement is more limited in a wetsuit,despite the factthata lot is done by themanufacturersto make the shoulders as flexible as possible.So make sure you have a wetsuitthat really fits well and is flexible around your armpits/arms.Ifsleeves are really an obstacle, go forasleevelesswetsuit;
If you prefer to swim breaststroke, a wetsuit can be a disadvantage. Swimming breaststrokeandwetsuitsis not really a good combination,wetsuits are notmade for that. Yourposition for breaststroke is differentthan for front crawl.
Whatare the differences in the wetsuits?
Themostcommonsuit iswith long legs and long sleeves. There are alsosuitswithoutsleeves and short-legsuits without sleeves;
Brandshavedifferent types: from basic,midtotopmodels.Wetsuitsmainly vary in thickness:thethicker, the more insulation,the morebuoyancy. But alsothe stifferand the less comfortable awetsuitis.The fit is refined when awetsuitconsists of more panels. The morepanels,the more different thicknesses of neoprenecan be used for a better fit.Thisis where the price difference lies.
What is the best way to put on a wetsuit?
Take your time putting on the suit. There is no use in haste, it will work against you;
Make sureyou always put plastic bagsover your hands and feet when inserting your sleeves and legs,as thiswill glide better and ensure fewer tears in the suit;
If necessary, take off rings and your watch when putting it on, this prevents damage;
Usethin gloves (when your hands are through the sleeves).This makes it easiertogriptheneopreneand prevents damage to the neoprene from your nails.Sometimes these gloves are even included with the wetsuit;
The inside of thewetsuitis stronger than the outside. If you have to pull, pull from the inside of thewetsuitand not from the outside;
Work from bottom to top. Make sure your legs are comfortable first and there is no space around the groin and crotch. Make sure everything fits properly and, if necessary, pull the wetsuit up a little higher around the calves to create more space at the top;
Make sure thatyou get all the room upwards, so that your shoulders will feel flexible, the space in your sleeves must also go upwards;
The legs should be 15cm above the ankles and about10 centimeters above the wrists, thiswillgive you more room in yourwetsuit;
Are your sleeves sticking to your arms?Thenblowair into your sleeve along your wrist.The neoprenewillcomeloosefromyourskin.Andthe sleeves are a bit more in place again;
If you feel that there is tension between your skinandthe neoprene,carefully (with your gloves) pull the neoprene loose from the skin in various places. This willrelease the tension;
Do not useVaseline to prevent chafing.Bodyglidestickis allowed. (Vaseline voids the suit's warranty because it does not dissolve in water and any repair/gluing of the suit is no longer possible);
When you put on a wetsuit for the first time, stand up straight. Do you feel like there is too much pressure on your larynx/throat?Thentilt your headback a little, sothatyou are also lying in the water. You will notice that that pressure disappears.
Open water swimming(early spring):
Never go alone, make sure you have a buddy with you.Especiallywhen the water is still cold, there is a risk of cramps, with possibly all the consequences that entails;
Always use aswim saverin the water. It provides better visibility in the water and is safer. If something happens to you, you canhang on the float and call for help. It is also useful totakevaluables with you, such as your telephone or car key;
When the water is cold, use extra heatprotectionsuch asNeoprenegloves,Neoprene socks or a Neoprene swimming cap;
If you are going swimming with a faster swimmer and you still want to cover a nice distance together, consider usingswimming fins.Thismeans you can still swim together and increase the fun of swimming together in open water.
Make sure there is no blue-green algae in the swimming water,especiallyat high temperatures ;
Enjoy swimming in nature!!
Taking offa wetsuit.Here are thetips.
What you don't want when swimming is water in your suit. But you want this when you take it off. Especially during atriathlon, it is important that you can take off your wetsuit smoothly. So just before you get out of the water, make sureyouget a scoop of water in your suit. You can easily do this by opening your wetsuit slightly at the neck, allowing water to flow in;
When you stand on the shore,the trick is to open your zipper as quickly as possible andremove your upper body from your wetsuit. During most competitions you are only allowed to completely remove yourwetsuitwhen you are on your bike or changing room.Keep this in mind. Whentaking off the wetsuit (your legs) further,itisbest to firstpull your wetsuit downas far aspossible and then quickly pull your feet up. You can possiblykick off your wetsuit while walking up the stairs.This is usually the fastest.
Taking off a suit may be a little less careful than putting it on. Most wetsuits break when putting them on and not when taking them off. you will also notice that taking off your wetsuit is a lot faster and easier than putting it on.
Always rinse your wetsuit with fresh water after use;
Do not let the wetsuit dry in direct sunlight;
It is best to fold your wetsuit looselyand not store it hanging,to preventit from hanging out;
In case of damage, (often nails which can happen quickly)repairimmediatelyso that it does not tear further;